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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Карта de_atom для cs 1.6

Вы можете найти cервера с картой de_atom
Нет изображения
Просмотры: 66
Загрузки: 12
Описание отсутствует
Atom - Bomb Defuse by Michael Lovall ("KillerPX") (killerpx@potinvitational.com) http://www.potinvitational.com Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the Terrorists from bombing the main supply areas. These supplies will help your country build a weapon of mass destruction to eliminate your country's foes. Terrorists: Destroy the main supply stations that will be used against your country from the development of a deadly weapon. Other Notes: There are 2 bomb sites in this mission: The counter-terrorist spawn (A) and the truck depot just south of the counter- terrorist spawn (B). (Press FIRE to continue)

Список ресурсов карты de_atom