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Карта de_brix для cs 1.6

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Просмотры: 75
Загрузки: 12
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Brix - Bomb/Defuse By Patrick Cole (blenderfruit32@aol.com) Textures by Me, sniperwolf, MisFit4Me666, Expel, and Raeven0 Counter-Terrorist: Prevent Terrorists from bombing the crates. Team members must defuse any bombs that threaten the targeted areas. Terrorists: The terrorist carrying the C4 must destroy one of the bombsites. Other Notes: There are two bomb sites in the map. Credits go to clan member zOK for helping me with the playtests and the feedback. We're gonna own cal-im. Addicted to Morphine from Counter-Map forums. He helped alot with this map for the mapping part, and gave good criticism, along with helping with the layout. Clown from Counter-Map forums. He made the forklift out of brushes so you guys didn't have to download a model. :D The whole Counter-Map forums for their input on this map. visit them at http://countermap.counter-strike.net/

Список ресурсов карты de_brix