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[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Карта de_cascade для cs 1.6

Вы можете найти cервера с картой de_cascade
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Просмотры: 98
Загрузки: 8
Описание отсутствует
De_Cascade is Alex Woodward's first map. I made it myself with the help of mapping advisor and best friend Alex Wall. Full credits are given at the end of the document. This is a bomb/defuse map with one bomb site and many ways of getting there blah blah blah anyone advanced enough to download custom maps is gonna know about de maps.... Credits: Manager/Mapper: Alex Woodward (aka wasywon) Beta-tester: Liam Richards (aka spearo) Many thanks to my best mate Alex Wall for some tips and ideas.

Список ресурсов карты de_cascade