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CliffSide Strike - Demolition/Defuse .: FINAL RELEASE :.
By: Wildfire (Clan |-WaR-|) www.clan-war-ops.com
This is the final release for my first map, de_cliffstrike. I tried to make this map as good as possible (for a first map anyways), and am very satisfied with the results. I think its much better than most first maps. Happy fragging!
T's: Blow your way into the compound by bombing the Data Control Operations door or the Maintainance Access door.
CT's: Eliminate the T's and defuse any bombs that are planted.
Do you like this map? Hate it? Think it could be better? Please email me with comments at - wildfire@clan-war-ops.com
Special Thanks:
Shadow ([JpC] and Diffused Vision Studios) http://www.diffusedvisions.cjb.net/
For helping me to learn Hammer and find leaks.
For making that sweet FAMAS machine gun prefab.
The JoeTo community (http://forums.joe.to)
For answering all my mapping questions
Release Candidate 1:
- Added name: CliffStrike
- Added tunnel system
- Added new bombsite: Maintainance Access Door
Release Candidate 2:
- Fixed texture application
- Added doors in tunnel
- Tunnel now leads to storage room as well
- CT Bunker now falls apart when bombed
- FAMAS MachineGun does more damage
- Several small changes
Final Release:
- Fixed issue where weapons -including the bomb- could be thrown over fence.
- Several small changes