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Карта de_collapse для cs 1.6

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Просмотры: 88
Загрузки: 11
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DE_COLLAPSE ------------------------------ by Peter NoviQ/nova9 Nowinski (noviq@wp.pl) Terrorists: ------------------- Destroy the console located in the core room at level 0 or destroy the main core node situated underground. Counter-Terrorists: ------------------- Prevent The Terrorists from bombing the place. As you start near the ventilation system, you are able to quickly get to the strategic places and prepare for the defensive. (Press FIRE to continue) FULL NOTES: ----------- Models, custom textures and (some) sounds made by NoviQ/nova9. MISSION BRIEFING: ================= The Terrorists are planning to attack an army complex. In order to terminate its defenses they assault The Angelway - a small nuclear powerplant situated in the mountain which powers the primary target.However their action was interrupted by The Counter-Terrorists which managed to get in time to the powerplants rear ventilation system. Terrorists: ------------------- Destroy the console located in the core room at level 0 or destroy the main core node situated underground. Counter-Terrorists: ------------------- Prevent The Terrorists from bombing the place. As you start near the ventilation system, you are able to quickly get to the strategic places and prepare for the defensive. Other Notes: ============ - The map is complex and difficult if there is no teamplay at all. Harmonius team is the key to success. - There are two bomb sites in the mission. - The BS located on the level 0 is easy to defend as there is only one way there. - The BS located underground is hard to defend as the ventilation and corridor systems are quite complex. ANGELWAY LOGO IS A RESERVED MARK OF THE TITANIUMANGEL STUDIOS 2005. All rights reserved.

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