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DeathStar I - Bomb/Defuse
Made with WC 3.3 by:
[-=VDC=-] AkirA (akira.vdc@aon.at)
Background: While the battle of Yavin continues the Rebels have
send a sabotage team to destroy the superlasers targeting
computers. Grand Moff Tarkin has send a unit of his best
stormtroopers to keep the Rebels from fullfilling their mission.
Counter-Terrorists: The rebel scum has entered our base
and dropped a sabotage team to destroy
the targeting computers of the DeathStar's
superlaser. Eliminate them all by the name
of the Emperor!
Terrorists: Find the location of the superlaser and destroy it.
You will be facing several stormtroppers so be aware
and get yourself in safe when the bomb goes up!
May the Force be with you!!!!!
Special Thanx 2:
tha VDCru ...
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