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[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Карта de_foot&mouth11 для cs 1.6

Нет изображения
Просмотры: 22
Загрузки: 2
Описание отсутствует
De_Foot&Mouth - Plant/defuse [by Axedup] Terrorists: You are acting on behalf of a right-wing worldwide animal hate organisation. You have been given the task of destroying some infected cattle before the disease spreads. Give no quater to these hideous beasts they must be destroyed! Counter - Terrorists: You have been assigned to this situation to prevent the Terrorists from achieving their goal. You must not let them be killed before the reach the slaughter house and meet a longer and more painfull death. There are two 1 tonne prime B33FY targets in this town.

Список ресурсов карты de_foot&mouth11