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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
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[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Карта de_sabotage для cs 1.6

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Просмотры: 100
Загрузки: 14
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Sabotage - Bomb/Defuse by //.avalanche (s3acow@hotmail.com) textures by Than (than@planetquake.com) & Shebob (shebob@shebob.com) Terrorists are attempting to bomb a weapons factory located in the isolated Las Vegas desert. Counter-Terrorists: Secure and protect both weapons stashes. Eliminate the terorists before they have a chance to plant the bomb or defuse any bombs threatening targeted areas. Terrorists: Destroy either weapons stashes, co-inciding with afilliate group bombings to promote global chaos. Eliminate any Counter-Terrorist resistance. Other Notes: There are 2 bomb sites in the mission. (Press FIRE to continue)

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