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Карта de_wastefacility для cs 1.6

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Просмотры: 114
Загрузки: 3
Описание отсутствует
WASTEFACILITY - BOMBING by TheDoenerKing (info@thedoenerking.de) www.TheDoenerKing.de GTT - Missionbriefing --------------------- Situation ---------- This map takes place on an old Industriefacility. A Group called GTT "Global Terrorism Team" get the information that the goverment produces some hightech weapons to stop the world terrorism. Now its your turn to stop the production of the weapons. Over and out! Terrorists ------------- Destroy the 2 Targets at all costs.The Terroists get the information that one bombspot should be in a small hangar and the other is located in the basement of the facility. Counter-Terrorists ------------------- Prevent that the Terrorists can blow up there targets. Other Notes ------------------- -2 Bombspots -Eastereggs -Many new Sounds -Background Music INFO: ->For Materialsounds please add the wastefacility_materials.txt content to your materials.txt located in cstrike\sound\ folder. ->If you like to hear the orginal music to this map, than you could download the track from my Hompage www.thedoenerking.de in the Mapssection. Place the soundtrack.wav into your cstrike\sound\wastefacilty\ folder and overwrite the temp musicfile.

Список ресурсов карты de_wastefacility