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Карта deathrun_atas_fixed для cs 1.6

Нет изображения
Просмотры: 106
Загрузки: 17
Описание отсутствует
deathrun_atas_fixed - Deathrun by Rulez (rulez.rus@gmail.com) Counter-Terrorists: You should pass through all traps and try to survive. Also reach the end and kill Terrorists. And certainly to have fun. Terrorists: You should push buttons to kill CT. Do it reasonably and attentively. Try to kill CT when they end the map. Other Notes: There are three secrets on this map. Try to find them ;) P.S.: It is made with support of dragons-portal.org and its players. Dragons Deathrun Server: cs.dragons-portal.org:27016 (Press FIRE to continue)

Список ресурсов карты deathrun_atas_fixed