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Карта otf_kozzuh для cs 1.6

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Просмотры: 127
Загрузки: 12
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Another map by Crusader AIM: FishMann410 ------------------------------------------ This map is dedicated to Kozzuh. blah blah blah...OTF roxs! CTs (OTF) ----------------- The gf and all the other nonbelieving n00bs have invaded the Kozzuh shrine and taken some of Kozzuhs servants hostage! They are hidden in each room, with an escape point in each, RESCUE THEM! Ts (gf and other ghey n00bs) --------------------------------------------- Stop the OTF from resucing the hostages and/or blow up the giant statue. If you succeed in either one, be prepared for a horrible after life, where the closest you will come to meeting the almighty Kozzuh will be your home in the sewers. Filled with her majesty's royal pewp. Thanks ------------ Me- i would like to thank me Kami- BIG help! made the rope texture and fixed a problem no one else could fix:D:D:D:D The entire OTF(except for all the gay n00bs)- thanks for being gay This is probably going to be my last map. It was fun :D Make sure you get all my maps: dubeymap2, OTF_toxic, OTF_terminator, OTF_badminton, OTF_all_your_base, OTF_goatse, and OTF_mintyfresh. I also probably wont be around the OTF much anymore. Once this map stuff dies down and my server time runs out. You probably wont hear from me much anymore D; Although it is very hard to get away from that place :D Its been fun! -Crusader :D

Список ресурсов карты otf_kozzuh

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