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[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Карта rd_lab для cs 1.6

Вы можете найти cервера с картой rd_lab
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Просмотры: 145
Загрузки: 9
Описание отсутствует
************************ ******* RD_Lab ********* ************************ ------------------------------------------------ ***CT Unos terroristas han asaltado este laboratorio, la puerta ha sido sellada para evitar que escapen, el objetivo es sencillo: eliminenlos. Some terrorist have assaulted this laboratory, the door has been sealed to avoid that the escape, the objective is simple: kill them. ***T Estabamos a punto de acabar nuestra mision cuando alguien dio la alerta, ahora tenemos unos CT en el otro extremo del laboratorio que no pararan hasta matarnos... veamos quien cae primero. We were finishing our mission when somebody gave the alert, now we have some CT in the other side of the laboratory that will not stop until kill us... let see who falls first. ------------------------------------------------ Map by SeM (semi@ozu.es) Agradecimientos a: Stikler, huntza. http://rdogs.reallyrules.com http://rdogs.reallyrules.com/misc/rdlab.htm ------------------------------------------------

Список ресурсов карты rd_lab