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Карта cs_ephyra2 для CS CZ

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Просмотры: 133
Загрузки: 19
Описание отсутствует
Hostage Rescue Mapping by 3DPunk (threedpunk@hotmail.com) Satellite imaging has recently identified suspicious activity in several European countries thoughout the Mediterranean. After an initial insertion, RECON has confirmed an armed militant presence in a small coastal town. Heavily armed with weapons and explosives, the terrorist cell has also taken two Nationalists hostage for leverage in Counter-Terrorist negotiations. To complicate matters, Intelligence has intercepted and decoded a transmission from an abandoned warehouse detailing an attack on a European nation within the next several days. This information has been classified. Code Name: Ephyra Mission Objective: Counter-Terrorists: Contain the situation; rescue the two hostages and eliminate the terrorist cell. Terrorists: Prevent hostage rescue at all costs. (Press FIRE to continue)

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