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Карта op4_crimsonite для OpFor

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Instalation: extract the zip file to [default] c:/sierra/halflife/gearbox/maps ================================================================================ * LEVEL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE : Crimsonite FILENAME : op4_crimsonite AUTHOR : Finger aka [pHenyl]catalyst DATE : 05/22/2002 GAME : half-Life opposing force map. EMAIL ADDRESS : mooreduncan@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LEVEL DESCRIPTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEME : This is an idea ive had in my head for quite some time. When I finally sat down to creat it, it came really fast. Total build time was about a week off and on. To me this place feels like a Tibetan temple, or someting along those lines. The name crimsonite was what sparked the idea for the map in the first place. OPPOSING FORCE : Deathmatch SUGGESTED PLAYER LOAD : This map would be well suited for 2 to 10 players I suppose. NEW TEXTURES : I modified a handful of Halflife textures to better suit the map. I also used some very nice textures created by Whiteblazer (whiteblaizer@hotmail.com) , and David Gurrea (http://www.davegh.com/BLADE/davegh.htm) All new textures have been compiled into the bsp. SKY MAP I used a beautiful skymap called Arctic Sunset...created by Crinity (http://www.planethalflife.com/crinity/) NEW SOUNDS : none CD TRACK # : none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONSTRUCTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITOR(S) USED : valve hammer editor 3.4 OTHER UTILITIES USED : HLCC w/Zoners compile tools KNOWN BUGS : none COMPILE MACHINE : pentium3 1gig. 512 megs RAM. compile time : 15 mins time spent on building : 1week -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instalation instructions: .bsp, .txt, .res file go in gearbox\maps folder all sky bmp files go in gearbox\gfx\env folder * CREDITS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My close friends in the game and clanmates. Of course, Valve, Gearbox, and all who contributed to the mapping tools and community. ================================================================================ * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This map may not be distributed without the inclusion of this txt file. Duncan Moore ....I have included in this zip file, a demo showing how to use some of the "ramps" and tricks that arent obviously apparent. I modified the border textures (red asian design) so that the grapple in op4 could cling to it. Enjoy :)

Список ресурсов карты op4_crimsonite