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Карта sc_subwaytrain для SC

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Просмотры: 226
Загрузки: 32
Описание отсутствует
------------------------------------- SC_Subwaytrain Beta Readme file ------------------------------------- Map name: Subwaytrain. Map type: Half-life Svenco-op Map count: 1 Map Size: 2 MB Author:Dutchtux Author E-mail:Dutchtux@planet.nl Players can play: 1 to 8 (Yes you can play it as single :P) Custom textures: Yes (added in BSP) Custum Models: Yes (osprey and Sci Grunt :D) Story: No not realy. Compile times: CSG process 0h 0m 21s BSP process 0h 0m 10s VIS process 0h 6m 5s RAD process 0h 27m 34s Compile system: look at http://rcs.valve-erc.com for the system configuration. ------------------------------------- Some kind of story ------------------------------------- Well You must do in this map is get to the osprey as fast as you can! ------------------------------------- Installing ------------------------------------- All you must do is extract this zip file in you half-life directory. And youmust set that you extract the directory to. ------------------------------------- Disclaimer ------------------------------------- USING MODELS/TEXTURES: You may use the models only for a Svenco-op map but not any other mod,SP Mod or upcomming mods. You may reskin the models and decompile them.Only if you going to use it for Svencoop map or for your own. MAP RULES: You may not decompile or edit so that the structure of the map is getting changed. You may use ripent to change some stuff.(to make it harder or making it more fun) You can get the source files of this map after one year when it's released. DOWNLOADING AND MIRRORING THIS MAP: You can download this map from Dutchtux Mappers homepage for free. This zip file may not be distributed on any CD-Rom,DVD,Disk or any other media-save without premission of the author You may not upload this map on a public mirror without premission of the author. When uploading this on a public mirror the downloaders dont need to download special "Download software" or not need to charge money for it. When mirroring you must have include the original files (including this one) in the zip file.

Список ресурсов карты sc_subwaytrain