a deathmatch experience by DocRock
Map information:
bsp name: doomify.bsp
skybox name: fifthdimension
map released: jan 20 2017
author: DocRock
author email:
Build information:
original map: yes
map based on: loosely based on Doom 2016 pc game
utilities used: valve hammer 3.5.2
ms paint
goldwave sound editing
google image search
wadincluded: mapper.wad, doomify.wad
models used: yes
sounds used: yes
sprites used: yes
PC Specs: Windows 7 Professional
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3930K
3.2 Ghz
16gb memory
Compile Time: 2 hours
map dedicated to: babykitkat (always) my LOML (Love of my life)
beta testers: babykitkat
thanks: SilentRunner007 for the zoner's 64 bit update! Mind Blown!
installation: doomify.bsp to half-life/valve/maps
doomify.txt to half-life/valve/maps
doomify.res to half-life/valve/maps
fifthdimension256_.tga files to half-life/valve/gfx
sounds to half-life/valve/sound/doomify
sprites to half-life/valve/sprites/doomify
models to half-life/valve/models