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date: 15.04.00
author: Pyrotek, meister_lampe@nikocity.de
Bsp-name: Helipad
multiplayer: yes ( 8 info_player_deathmatch )
singleplayer: no ( 1 info_player_start )
builttime: 40 h
compiletime: 25 min
builtprogramm:WC 2.0
builtmachine: pII 333 mhz, 160 mb ram
valve,hornetking,thewall.de,john delaney for inspiration, tbuk-clan for
sunday- evening-matches
i created this map for all the gaussjumpfreaks (including me ) out there.
together with the longjump you can jump nearly from one end to the other
of this map, so go for the longjump and the gauss and get airborne.
but if you rather snipe,welcome to do so, there are two x-bows and a few
good places to snipe from.
there are no tripmines in this one, because i thought that they would
wreck the gameplay, same goes for the hornet and the gluon.