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Title : National Car Park
Filename : ncp.bsp
Author : ReV
Email Address : rev@io.com
Website : http://rev.telefragged.com
Description : Half Life DM Level
Additional Credits to : WorldCraft.
* Play Information *
Game : Half Life DM
Single Player : no
Co-operative : no
Deathmatch : yes 4-16 players
* Scenario *
Deathmatch it out in a multi-storey car park and remember "Some things
don't react too well to bullets!"
* Construction *
Build Time : 4 days
QCSG : 103 Seconds
QBSP2 : 118 Seconds
VIS : 2224 Seconds
QRAD : 9758 Seconds (-extra -bounce 20)
Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 2.0
Known Bugs : one bug thats in game, not due to the level, doesn't
affect gameplay
* Prefab Credits *
Explorer : Carlos Salgado (carlos@picklepc.com)
Hummer : xKinetiCx (xkineticx@thegrid.net)
Telephone Booth : Arsenal (Tripalzy) (Korn101@msn.com)
Jeep : Woof UK (d.parry@which.net)
* Other Info *
Feel free to pop into #quake or #telefragged on the IRC in
telefragged.3dnet.net:6667 and tell me what you think of the level.
or e-mail me, I don't get much of a chance to test these
levels out too heavily, your comments are always helpful to
improve the levels I make.
I don't bite 8-)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build
additional levels unless they gain permission first.
This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet
and/or BBS systems. If you wish to publish this file
in any other way then you must gain permission from me