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Карта persia для HL

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_____________________________ P E R S I A N L E T T E R S Beta1 persia.bsp - Half-Life Deathmatch _______ MAP BY: - Campaignjunkie (campaignjunkie@hotmail.com)(http://campaignjunkie.samods.org) [map concept, construction, most of the texture mangling, etc.] ____________ TEXTURES BY: - Blazeer (http://www.blaz.csbanana.com) [used his fantastic textures as a base for mangling, in addition to others] - clown [used his excellent church + havana textures as a base for mangling] - Marc Schroder (http://www.poke646.com) [no mangling, as that would be illegal] - Carbon14 [reflective water animated overlay] - Chalupamonk [twilight desert sky] - Campaignjunkie [general texture mangling + all the bad textures (which is everything) ] __________ MODELS BY: - ginsengavenger (http://ginsengavenger.home.comcast.net) [palm trees, plants, pots, etc.] __________ SOUNDS BY: - Jinx [various sounds] - MeanRabbit (http://meanrabbit.com) [wind sound, fall sound] - Jason Brownlee [water sound] - Dean Alan [Desert Nights music] - Finger [monk chanting sound] __________________ SPECIAL THANKS TO: - The Dark Legion's Looney Bin a.k.a The Batcave (you know who you are) - The Star Alliance (http://www.samods.org) - The Snarkpit (http://www.snarkpit.com) - ReNo (studied his weapon placement a bit) - Ferret (just too damn cool for his own good) - Finger (broken palace is a great inspiration, plus great monk sound) - Adam Hawkins (I don't know why) - Anyone I've forgotten Created for the 2004 Snarkpit Mapping Competition (http://www.snarkpit.com) Inspired (quite heavily) by Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (http://www.prince-of-persia.com)

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