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Карта xyz_sunfire для HL

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Карта xyz_sunfire
Просмотры: 172
Загрузки: 28
Описание отсутствует
======================================================= xyz_sunfire ======================================================= Map Name: xyz_sunfire.bsp Filesize: 1,432kb Author: {xYz} Sparkz Author email: N/A Homepage: http://xyz.sparkzwaremedia.com ======================================================= LEVEL DESCRIPTION: Single Player: Yes (testing purposes only) Co-Op: No Deathmatch: Yes Suggested Players: 8 - 21 New Textures: Yes (sunfire.wad) New Sounds: NO New Models: NO Map description: A Half-Life deathmatch map inspired by "scorched", "crossfire", "y2_nuke", "frenzy", and "de_dust". The map consists of a new area and bunker with brand new textures. The bunker now gives you 2 points for those that survive and takes away 1 point from the people who die. This is a map that has to be experienced rather than described. Enjoy! ======================================================= CONSTRUCTION: base map: crossfire, de_dust, frenzy prefabs: None editor used: Worldcraft 3.5 Hammer utilities used: Zoner's Half-Life compile tools known bugs: None that are known compile machine: Intel Pentium 4 1.7 GHZ compile time: 15 minutes ======================================================= INSTALLATION: Place xyz_sunfire.bsp in your maps folder: halflife/valve/maps Place xyz_sunfire.res in your maps folder: halflife/valve/maps Place xyz_sunfire.txt in your maps folder: halflife/valve/maps Place the following skyimages into: gfx/env/utopiaatoll_bk.bmp gfx/env/utopiaatoll_dn.bmp gfx/env/utopiaatoll_ft.bmp gfx/env/utopiaatoll_lf.bmp gfx/env/utopiaatoll_rt.bmp gfx/env/utopiaatoll_up.bmp gfx/env/utopiaatoll_bk.tga gfx/env/utopiaatoll_dn.tga gfx/env/utopiaatoll_ft.tga gfx/env/utopiaatoll_lf.tga gfx/env/utopiaatoll_rt.tga gfx/env/utopiaatoll_up.tga Place sunfire.wad in your Valve folder: halflife/valve ======================================================= SPECIAL THANKS: To all the players that come out and support "{xYz} Teamplay Hgrunt/Recon" every day. ======================================================= COPYRIGHT 2006 xyz_sunfire.bsp COPYRIGHT December 5th, 2005 by {xYz} Sparkz Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels as long as you give me credit in your readme. YOU MUST NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS MAP UNLESS ALL FILES ARE KEPT INTACT. IF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN MET, YOU MAY DISTRIBUTE THIS MAP VIA THE INTERNET OR MULTIMEDIA CD.

Список ресурсов карты xyz_sunfire