| Добавил: Tiratore 2015-07-02 07:22:45 74 просмотра
UPDATE:server malfunction or something deleted the images,reposted UPDATE:illegal sound edited INCLUDES: quake 2 laster files for use of rifle,shotgun and smg,new sounds for all 3,new crossfires for all 3 in 2 colors (red and blue) .leave any suggestions or mistakes ;) i hope everyone enjoys it :D -roland QUAKE2 blaster by -roland- sounds are property of the quake tm-edited with audacity. INSTRUCCIONS COPY THE KV6 FILES (SHOTGUN,SMG OR RIFLE,RED OR BLUE) INTO THE KV6 FOLDER C:\Ace of Spades\kv6 COPY THE PNG files (SHOTGUN,SMG OR RIFLE,RED OR BLUE) TO THE PNG FOLDER C:\Ace of Spades\png COPY THE SOUND FILES (SHOTGUN,SMG OR RIFLE,RED OR BLUE)TO THE WAV FOLDER C:\Ace of Spades\wav THANKS FOR DOWNLOADING MY SKINS,I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT -Adrian a.k.a ingame:roland Тэги: | |