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Ace of Spades
[AoS/OpenSpades/AoS Steam] Barrett M82A3 .50 Cal

[AoS/OpenSpades/AoS Steam] Barrett M82A3 .50 Cal

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-07-04 10:12:29
163 просмотра
  • [AoS/OpenSpades/AoS Steam] Barrett M82A3 .50 Cal Skin screenshot
  • [AoS/OpenSpades/AoS Steam] Barrett M82A3 .50 Cal Skin screenshot
  • [AoS/OpenSpades/AoS Steam] Barrett M82A3 .50 Cal Skin screenshot
  • [AoS/OpenSpades/AoS Steam] Barrett M82A3 .50 Cal Skin screenshot
  • [AoS/OpenSpades/AoS Steam] Barrett M82A3 .50 Cal Skin screenshot

Replaces Rifle in Ace of Spades/OpenSpades and replaces Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle in Ace of Spades Steam.

"The M82, standardized by the US Military as the M107, is a recoil-operated, semi-automatic anti-materiel rifle developed by the American Barrett Firearms Manufacturing company. A heavy SASR (Special Application Scoped Rifle), it is used by many units and armies around the world. It is also called the "Light Fifty" for its .50 BMG (12.7×99mm NATO) chambering. The weapon is found in two variants, the original M82A1 (and A3) and the bullpup M82A2. The M82A2 is no longer manufactured, though the XM500 can be seen as its successor." -Wikipedia Description

Before you start downloading this mod, if you want to use it in OpenSpades, please download this version of OpenSpades(0.0.12b). Copy the weapon folders to "OpenSpades-0.0.12b-Windows\Resources\pngsight-5.pak\Models\Weapons". Copy any sights to "OpenSpades-0.0.12b-Windows\Resources\pngsight-5.pak\Gfx".

For a tutorial of installing Ace of Spades Steam Skins, view Foxxy's Tutorial.

3D Interactive Preview:

M82A3 by 1shot1kill on Sketchfab
