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JSlavenburg's M1 Garand Skin

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-11-18 03:45:52
182 просмотра
  • JSlavenburg's M1 Garand Skin Skin screenshot
  • JSlavenburg's M1 Garand Skin Skin screenshot

Here's the next CoD2 skin from JSlavenburg, this one being for the M1 Garand. I am much more appreciative of his work on this skin, as it turned out pretty sweet with all the new scratches and just the generally dirtier look. But oh, it seems there's always something to complain about. This time, I give it a "9" because there's just some weird reddish tint on the metal that I dislike. Other than that, it looks like a job well done! Check out the screenshots below, and download it today.
