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Call of Duty 2
Notsafeforwork's Very Realistic Skin Pack

Notsafeforwork's Very Realistic Skin Pack

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-10-01 11:47:36
129 просмотров
  • Notsafeforwork's Very Realistic Skin Pack Skin screenshot
  • Notsafeforwork's Very Realistic Skin Pack Skin screenshot
  • Notsafeforwork's Very Realistic Skin Pack Skin screenshot

Description: Ok, so this is the first file I've posted in like, a year, but I was quite surprised when I saw this one.

This skin pack is truly amazing. It has new skins for:

The Colt .45 The Luger The Lee-Enfield no. 4 The M1 Garand And the M1A1 Thompson

Readme File: This is one of my better peices methinks. This mod uses 100% authentic gunshots. Every gunshot you here is real, recorded (on a windy day mind, so the qu- ality of these sounds are NOT very good. Do not expect amazing quality sound, but it is what they sound like, not movied up or blanc guns or anything else, these are real. You might be dissapointed, but it's how they sound.