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JSlavenburg's Thompson

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-11-18 03:44:36
160 просмотров
  • JSlavenburg's Thompson Skin screenshot
  • JSlavenburg's Thompson Skin screenshot

And what a way to end the day—going out with a bang, the Tommy gun! Here's the seventh and final skin to be posted from the desk of JSlavenburg, and hey, it's the last file you'll see me reviewing for at least a week. I'm probably most satisfied with the overall look of this Thompson skin in comparison with the other six released today. I know I gave one of the previous ones a "9" and this one an "8," but the only reason I say I'm more satisfied is because I can't really find anything wrong with it. I'm not too much a fan of the choices made (almost an orange colored wood), but the gun seems to make its point. See so for yourself in the screenshots below, and download it today!
