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US Marine Corps (Desert Gear)

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-10-01 11:35:58
192 просмотра
  • US Marine Corps (Desert Gear) Skin screenshot
  • US Marine Corps (Desert Gear) Skin screenshot
  • US Marine Corps (Desert Gear) Skin screenshot
  • US Marine Corps (Desert Gear) Skin screenshot
  • US Marine Corps (Desert Gear) Skin screenshot
  • US Marine Corps (Desert Gear) Skin screenshot
  • US Marine Corps (Desert Gear) Skin screenshot
  • US Marine Corps (Desert Gear) Skin screenshot
  • US Marine Corps (Desert Gear) Skin screenshot
  • US Marine Corps (Desert Gear) Skin screenshot
  • US Marine Corps (Desert Gear) Skin screenshot

US Marines Corps Pack in Desert Gear !!

The role of the United States Marines has changed immeasurably since it began.  Never
before have Marines faced challenges like today.  The scope, frequency and speed of
today's missions are unlike anything that has been done in the past. On any given day
173,000 Marines are deployed away from their home bases.  Since the end of the Persian
Gulf Crisis (in 1991) through 1998, the Marines were "sent-in" over fifty times. On
average, the Marine Corps is called upon once every five weeks.

Four separate Marine Expeditionary Units (Special Operations Capable) deploy for six
months, each having an average strength of 2,200 Marines and Sailors.  Consisting of
three to five amphibious assault ships, they move freely across the high seas without
clearances or other diplomatic restraints.  They represent the United States most
flexible means of exerting force abroad.
This set of four models is designed to replace all your CT models with US Marines in the
new MARPAT digital desert camo.

A reskined world model of the defuse kit matching the one used on these models is also

- Defusekit Model

Original GIGN, GSG-9 and Arctic models and skins by the CS team.
Original hands and head models by Anderin.
Original head skin by Anderin, Senor and Spastic Child.
Original hands skin by Anderin and Nicholades.
Original cap model by IXLed Mirage.

by Djiesse

~Just Resubmitting an Oldie. Hope you liked it :D

