| Добавил: The DSystem 2015-11-25 13:00:09 149 просмотров
A lot of people keep asking me about my mod, and others want me to make a new skin pack, so here you got my cs world in conflict beta stuffs, the pt1 at least, most of this will be enhanced or replaced for the final release; this first part comes with players, vguis, decals, maintheme issues, new descriptions for players, sounds, and some other stuffs.
You tell me what I should replace, but the player sounds will be updated.
With this, change the combat between Ts and CTs, to Russia against US
This trailer is very, very old, is not updated, but the players in this pack are here
This mod will be like a full remake pack, kinda similar to the source inspirat, but way, way! better!
In the pack there are three backgrounds to choose, I know that one of the Russian ones is wrong cuz of the guns, they´re not used by Russians, I didn´t know it in those days, but soon, I´ll update it.
If there is something wrong, or missing, tell me
Here are two extra pics
2013 notice: This was one of my oldest releases, thanks to natko is back :)
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