| Добавил: The DSystem 2017-03-14 15:14:05 249 просмотров Cadeopreto's SVD Dragunov Re-hack By Classy
CadeOpreto's SVD Dragunov hack with my improvements and diffrent animations ( i don't know who made the animations and sounds, found them in my harddrive if someone knows who i will gladly add him/her to credits). its something brand new imo, i really like the animations. SO ! Enjoy and don't forget to comment !
- Default origins with default gloves
* New origins with professional's gloves
* New origins with professional's gloves rigged with sleeves
* HD p & w models
* SVD Dragunov sounds
* SVD Dragunov scope sprite
* Optional sleeve textures (dark by default)
* Optional hand textures (normal and pale skin option, normal by default)
Classy666 (me) - Sleeve rig, model re-hack, texture fixes, dark sleeve texture, animation fixes, p & w models, compile
Teh Snake - Textures
Millenia - Glove textures
CadeOpreto - Model hack, sleeve hack, textures
New World Interactive - Sleeve reference
Various artists - Textures
Unknown - Animations
Unknown - Sounds
clipping in sleeved version while reloading
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