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The ice chopper V2

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-12-30 05:46:32
73 просмотра
  • The ice chopper V2 Skin screenshot
  • The ice chopper V2 Skin screenshot
  • The ice chopper V2 Skin screenshot
  • The ice chopper V2 Skin screenshot

This skin, is a remake of an ancient knife reskin I made about... 2 years ago... yeah...

I decided to randomly pick up some old thing I made back when I was a lil' beginner and I had no knowledge on model hacking/modeling and decided to make it better!

Some people from back then might have seen and recognize the old "Ice Chopper" (or maybe not) as I removed it to leave this one as it's much better than the original.

But for whoever hasn't seen it before, here is a free headache!:
