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Tigg's M4A1 on my Anims

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-12-30 13:57:54
100 просмотров
  • Tigg's M4A1 on my Anims Skin screenshot
  • Tigg's M4A1 on my Anims Skin screenshot
  • Tigg's M4A1 on my Anims Skin screenshot
  • Tigg's M4A1 on my Anims Skin screenshot
  • Tigg's M4A1 on my Anims Skin screenshot

it includes all the animations, and before anyone starts, the remove and attach suppressor animations are just draw and holster in a single animation, i know.

i don't know how to do a proper detach suppressor animation, so please excuse that little animation hiccup.
