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XM8 on MR.Brightside anims

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-11-01 16:56:16
126 просмотров
  • XM8 on MR.Brightside anims Skin screenshot
  • XM8 on MR.Brightside anims Skin screenshot
  • XM8 on MR.Brightside anims Skin screenshot
  • XM8 on MR.Brightside anims Skin screenshot

Most of my thanks go to Ak88 for the animation porting Before assesing: notify me with the problems and the authors that i have missed out Note: Can anyone make a preview vid for this?

Vid by R2pp2r Thx for making it :D

Currently im looking for an xm8 with iron sights, it doesn't seem to be in fpsb at all, plz inform me if theres an xm8 with iron sights
