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Pocong [By: Camoo Phazick]

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-11-22 08:20:02
95 просмотров
  • Pocong [By: Camoo Phazick] Skin screenshot
  • Pocong [By: Camoo Phazick] Skin screenshot
  • Pocong [By: Camoo Phazick] Skin screenshot
  • Pocong [By: Camoo Phazick] Skin screenshot
  • Pocong [By: Camoo Phazick] Skin screenshot

"A pocong is an Indonesian/Malaysian ghost that is said to be the soul of a dead person trapped in their suit. The pocong suit (shroud, in Indonesia/Malaysia also known as kain kafan) is used by Muslims to cover the body of the dead person. They cover the dead body with white fabric and tie the clothing over the head, under the feet, and on the neck. According to the native beliefs, the soul of a dead person will stay on the earth for 40 days after the death. When the ties aren't released after 40 days, the body is said to jump out from the grave to warn people that the soul need the bonds to be released. After the ties are released, the soul will leave the earth and never show up anymore. Because of the tie under the feet, the ghost can't walk. This causes the pocong to hop."
