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Bledoken's UMP 45.

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-12-10 00:04:15
202 просмотра
  • Bledoken's UMP 45. Skin screenshot
  • Bledoken's UMP 45. Skin screenshot
  • Bledoken's UMP 45. Skin screenshot
  • Bledoken's UMP 45. Skin screenshot
  • Bledoken's UMP 45. Skin screenshot
  • Bledoken's UMP 45. Skin screenshot
  • Bledoken's UMP 45. Skin screenshot
  • Bledoken's UMP 45. Skin screenshot
  • Bledoken's UMP 45. Skin screenshot
  • Bledoken's UMP 45. Skin screenshot
  • Bledoken's UMP 45. Skin screenshot

Please take a minute to read before rating/comment.

Note 1: This skin doesn't have p&w models, due to 4 variation of skin itself, as well there is no grip, so it just looks bad on player model.

Note 2: There is 2 sights/sile/un-sile options, not all of them are in screenshots. 4 variations in total.

Note 3: The most important note. Small smoothing error on other side of receiver is not visible in-game and does not affect the gameplay. It's over now and i won't re-compile it again just to fix it and deal with broken uv maps.

Note 4: Rate only stuff that you think affect gameplay itself and point out what is good/bad or what you would improve. I don't accept stupid comments, thank you very much.

Thanks to Bledo for permission.
