Добавил: The DSystem 2015-11-01 18:05:45 188 просмотров
Tromix Saiga S-12K
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Model - Darkstorn
Forearm model - Darkstorn
Grip and buttstock model - Twinkie Masta
Barrel model - 3DStart
Clip model - zulmargera87
Rails - Pete
Eotech - Twinkie Masta
Sound - Malignant,Vunsunta,SHR
Animations - ManTuna (animations edit and qc edit - Ultra X-Tream)
Hand rig - kalashnikov88 (CZ rig by Ultra X-Tream)
Hand skin - Felipe_Paiva/Millenia (Some work by Ultra X-Tream)
Sleeve model - Happy Camper (Sleeve tex by Ultra X-Tream)
Compile,idea,hack,peewee - Ultra X-Tream aka Ostego Undead
Simple hackage...Idea taked from one picture from one russian site.Maps in screenshots - De_Hurge and De_Dust2.Smooth errors only on peewee,and this model have bug with animation.No more Teh Snake's hand skin (i searching a new fuckin badass hand tex).
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