| Добавил: The DSystem 2015-11-24 19:13:07 283 просмотра
zp_smoker_maxdrags 10 / / How many times can a smoker to attract prey? (Standard 10) zp_smoker_dragspeed 160 / / How fast the smoker will be attracted to a player? (Standard 160) zp_smoker_cooldown 5 / / Time in seconds before a smoker is again able to attract to itself. (Standard 5) zp_smoker_mates 0 / / / / Can a smoker to attract players of his team? 1 = Yes, 0 = No zp_smoker_dmg2stop 300 / / How much to cause damage that would be pulling an end? (Standard 300) zp_smoker_extrahook 2 / / additional attraction field of infection (Standard 2) zp_smoker_unable_move 1 / / 0 = man, and the smoker can move / 1 = a person can not move when he was attracted to / 2 = Unable to move the smoker / 3 = unable to as the zp_smoker_nemesis 0 / / 0 = smoker can not drag and drop players if Nemesis / 1 = smoker can. (Standard 0) zp_smoker_survivor 1 / / 0 = smoker can not attract the Survivor / 1 = smoker can. (Standard 1)
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