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Remington RSASS

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-12-29 22:26:26
183 просмотра
  • Remington RSASS Skin screenshot
  • Remington RSASS Skin screenshot
  • Remington RSASS Skin screenshot

Well, I've been inactive for the last few days due to my school and my mod, GTAV2D. Crappy and hectic schedule for this time.

I made an Remington RSASS, which is used in MW3. That's all for this month (probably). This is an old one, maybe?

You may seem to think i'm a newb in the skin-posting. Just look at my USDE profile and you will see that I've posted 28 skins. Link at my account page: http://unrealsoftware.de/profile.php?userid=144178

That's all for now. Enjoy!
