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Halo 2D Version 1.50

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-07-03 18:39:52
112 просмотров
  • Halo 2D Version 1.50 Skin screenshot
  • Halo 2D Version 1.50 Skin screenshot
  • Halo 2D Version 1.50 Skin screenshot

Halo 2D version 1.50

Things added: - full weapon sfx - new weapon gfx - Halo Background music will sometimes play at the start of a round. - new player skins for hostages (added red and blue "flag" hostage skins for ctf) - new HUD and Menu Splash - 7 different and alternative pointers - Terrorists now are Covenants (Grunt, Elite, Jackal, and Hunter) - Counter-terrorists are now Marines (Sarge, Marine, Helljumper, and Marine2) - Some botnames are different - two maps I made that are somewhat "CTF" maps: ctf_hostage_test, where the marines must get the "flag" hostage and bring it back to their spawn; and ctf_battlecreek, which is somewhat based off the actual Halo level and marines have to get the "flag" before the covenant plant the bomb at the marine spawn

Planned for version 1.70:

  • Changing all the in-game text so it has the actual names of the guns and players
  • new maps: Halo_BloodGulch and ctf_BloodGulch
  • anything else I think will make the mod better