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AI Arctic Warfare Magnum

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-11-20 01:46:29
120 просмотров
  • AI Arctic Warfare Magnum Skin screenshot
  • AI Arctic Warfare Magnum Skin screenshot
  • AI Arctic Warfare Magnum Skin screenshot
  • AI Arctic Warfare Magnum Skin screenshot
  • AI Arctic Warfare Magnum Skin screenshot


Models: Hav0c

Skins: Kimono Creeping_Jesus Birdhouse

UVW Maps: bullet_head klla_syc3 (Chopping)

Animation: Xero (Ported by klla_syc3) Hav0c (Ported by a082) VALVe Strykerwolf (GO) (Ported by Edisleado & Mienstron) Jennifer!!

Sound: Vunsunta xLongWayHome

Compiles: klla_syc3

Author Notes: Hav0c's fantastic AWM converted to the goldsource engine. It all started with Xero's anims. When he released his, I was like, why not make a huge compile with his anims included. So I did, here it is, 5 anims, chopped textures, all 3 skins for this model. Most are interswappable. Have fun guys. Sorry for the big file size but there is a lot of stuff in there. Sorry for no P & W's.
