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High Explosives: M61 Frag Grenade

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-17 10:53:45
169 просмотров
  • High Explosives: M61 Frag Grenade Skin screenshot
  • High Explosives: M61 Frag Grenade Skin screenshot
  • High Explosives: M61 Frag Grenade Skin screenshot

Skinner: Killing In the Name Of Sounds: xLongWayHome - Banana Co's Ultimate Soundpack Xero: Wooden floor texture used in the render

Here's my first skin I'm submitting that isn't a player skin. I just re-skinned all of the textures that are actually viewable to give the Frag grenade a more battle-worn look.

NOTICE: You may NOT use any of these model's textures for re-skins, re-colors, etc.
