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Klla_syc3's Tactical M4A1 Hackage

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-09-22 13:59:22
130 просмотров
  • Klla_syc3's Tactical M4A1 Hackage Skin screenshot
  • Klla_syc3's Tactical M4A1 Hackage Skin screenshot

[CZ] klla_syc3's Tactical M4A1 Hackage


Models: Soul_Slayer Twinke Masta Yamantaka Ankalar sHiBaN

Skins: Pete Yamantaka Thanez Stoke Bullet_Head sHiBaN EinHain Ferrari_Black klla_syc3 (Edits)

Compiles: Soul_Slayer (CSS) sHiBaN (CZ) klla_syc3 (Hack & Re-Compile)

Animations: Jennifer!!




Important: *Do not use this compile on any other site without my permission.

*I have gotten permission from sHiBaN to use his skin.

*Do not use this any sort of Game-Fusion or package without my permission.

*Please notify me if this skin is deleted.

*Please explain why you dissapprove this skin.

Author's Notes I loved sHiBaN's awesome Tactical Ak and 1911, so I decided to make it for an m4. It is very nice, and comes in 4 different colors, Original Black, Tactical Green by sHiBaN, Desert Brown by Ferrari_Black, and Gray by EinHain. Enjoy this skin, it may be one of my last hacks until I buy milkshape because my trial is almost over. I have posted screenshots for all the skins except the gray because I didn't have time. Enjoy the skin.
