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ZeeJ's M4 anims for CZ

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-23 06:30:13
117 просмотров
  • ZeeJ's M4 anims for CZ Skin screenshot
  • ZeeJ's M4 anims for CZ Skin screenshot
  • ZeeJ's M4 anims for CZ Skin screenshot
  • ZeeJ's M4 anims for CZ Skin screenshot

ZeeJ's Awesome Animations on CZ
(Don't worry I have his permission)

Credits: Model: Twinke Masta Textures: Millenia Anims/CSS Compile: ZeeJ Sounds: The Noid/Vunsunta/XLongWayHome Arms Hack/Port/CZ Compile: Teh Frohwner

Includes all animation mixes like the original skin which can be found here.

Notice that the model may clip when attaching the silencer, this is due Half Life's ugly engine.
