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Resident Evil Samurai Edge v.3

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-05-31 08:57:33
162 просмотра
  • Resident Evil Samurai Edge v.3 Skin screenshot
  • Resident Evil Samurai Edge v.3 Skin screenshot
  • Resident Evil Samurai Edge v.3 Skin screenshot
  • Resident Evil Samurai Edge v.3 Skin screenshot
  • Resident Evil Samurai Edge v.3 Skin screenshot
Resident Evil Berettas:

Model: Schmung (with edits * )
Skin: Stoke (with edits ** )
Animations: -mike (rig), Stoke / Strykerwolf (GhostOps)
Sounds: Vunsunta (GhostOps)
Compiles: SureShot

*edited model geometry to resemble RE replicas
**edited texture to resemble RE replicas
Resident Evil Berettas: Model: Schmung (with edits * ) Skin: Stoke (with edits ** ) Animations: -mike (rig), Stoke / Strykerwolf (GhostOps) Sounds: Vunsunta (GhostOps) Compiles: SureShot *edited model geometry to resemble RE replicas **edited texture to resemble RE replicas

Sureshot's latest version of his acclaimed Resident Evil Samurai Edge. There are two models, two skins, and two different anim compiles. That's eight variations for all of you. Will add screens later.
