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Police Officer

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-02-04 19:50:56
130 просмотров
  • Police Officer Skin screenshot
  • Police Officer Skin screenshot
  • Police Officer Skin screenshot

Indonesian National Police has a centralized command and divided into territorial forces i.e. provincial police, regional police, city or regency police and sub-district police. There are also some special branches i.e. Brigade Mobil or Brimob (mobile brigade) which have paramilitary role to conduct security stabilization operations and providing security protection for VIP or vital facilities, Air Police, Marine Police, Forensics and Detachment 88, specially trained for anti-terrorist operations.

In the Jabodetabek area, the territorial forces are known as either "Polres Metro" or "Polsek Metro". The highest rank in any of the forces is known as Polda Metro Jaya.

