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realistic Tactical Knives

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 07:18:10
94 просмотра
  • realistic Tactical Knives Skin screenshot
  • realistic Tactical Knives Skin screenshot
  • realistic Tactical Knives Skin screenshot
  • realistic Tactical Knives Skin screenshot
  • realistic Tactical Knives Skin screenshot

CS: go HD Tactical knives! created by: BOBdotEXE


Knives textured from the following real weapons:

T knife: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00869N2A2/

Ct knife: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0037B0A40/

How to install:

  1. place the v_models and w_models folders in: \Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\materials\models\weapons\

  2. backup your \Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\pak01_dir.vpkn file

  3. edit your pak01_dir.vpk, change refrences to the base texture of 'knife_t' and 'knife_ct' to 'tactn_t' and 'tactn_ct'


the lines should look like:

    "$basetexture"  "models\weapons\v_models\knife_t\knife_t"

and should be changed to:

    "$basetexture"  "models\weapons\v_models\knife_t\tactn_t"

there will be two changes needed per knife, so four changes if you want both knives.

DO NOT EDIT ONES THAT LOOK LIKE: $baseTexture models\weapons\customization..." (OR:)

"$basetexture" "models\weapons\v_models\knife_t\gg..."

if you're still having trouble, look up some tutorials on how to make custom skins, they will show you how to install them with more detail.
