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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Player Packs
Combine Soldier Full playermodel set (CSGO)

Combine Soldier Full playermodel set (CSGO)

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 11:42:45
240 просмотров
  • Combine Soldier Full playermodel set (CSGO) Skin screenshot
  • Combine Soldier Full playermodel set (CSGO) Skin screenshot
  • Combine Soldier Full playermodel set (CSGO) Skin screenshot
  • Combine Soldier Full playermodel set (CSGO) Skin screenshot
  • Combine Soldier Full playermodel set (CSGO) Skin screenshot
  • Combine Soldier Full playermodel set (CSGO) Skin screenshot
  • Combine Soldier Full playermodel set (CSGO) Skin screenshot
  • Combine Soldier Full playermodel set (CSGO) Skin screenshot
  • Combine Soldier Full playermodel set (CSGO) Skin screenshot
  • Combine Soldier Full playermodel set (CSGO) Skin screenshot
  • Combine Soldier Full playermodel set (CSGO) Skin screenshot

The Super Combine Soldier (Or Elite Combine Soldier) recompiled for all the Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Model specifications

  • The model originates from Half-Life 2
  • Triangles = 4998
  • Vertices = 2856

Material specifications

  • 3 materials (Diffuse, Normal, Phong) 1 vmt
  • 1024x1024 diffuse resolution

Total package 26.8mb and doesn't include screenshots in the zipped file.

Known issues

  • None


  1. Copy all of the folders (materials and models) to the above mentioned location, paste and press yes on each pop-up.
  2. Install Notepad++ (http://notepad-plus-plus.org/) and open the 'pak01_dir.vpk' file located in the same earlier mentioned directory. MAKE A BACKUP FIRST!
  3. When it opens, go to models -> player and there you'll find plenty of 'ctm_' and 'tm_' skins such as ctm_fbi (and variants) or tm_leet (and variants).
  4. Press CTRL+H and a window will pop-up. There you'll have the option to change a certain work with another in one instance.
  5. In order to make your selected skins work in-game you need to rename at least 1 letter/character of the name of those skins, however DON'T add extra ones. Just replace an A with a D or something. Example below:

Provided you want to change ctm_fbi to the skin you downloaded, you need to rename ctm_fbi to something like ctm_fbc. I changed the 'i' with 'c' and now when you open CSGO it won't be able to read the default one anymore. It will instead read the custom one that you downloaded and put in the csgo/ folder.

You CAN'T however do something like ctm_fbiefazfazefafaefe or ctm_fbi0 as that will prevent CS:GO from opening.

  1. In the "Find what" area you insert 'ctm_fbi' and at the "Replace with" area you insert 'ctm_fbc'. Press 'Replace All'
  2. Once done for any or all of the skins, press save.
  3. Enjoy your new skin!

Additional information

  • I had to adapt the mesh and tweak it for the new CS:GO rig. Surprisingly it fitted for a good part however the legs and arms where out of the proportions for the new rig and I had to tweak them.
  • I have created 3 extra fingers for each hand because CS:GO now has a full hand rig with 5 fingers instead of 3.
  • Unlike its CS:S counterpart, this model has no clipping issues on the back.
  • Will not work on official operation servers!
  • It is not advised to install this skin on every single CS:GO skin. Just decided to use it on either the T or CT and/or within that decision specifically select a team that you'd like to replace this. This is to prevent confusion among teams etc so you don't make errors during gameplay.