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The biggest anime mod pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-11 04:10:28
265 просмотров
  • The biggest anime mod pack Skin screenshot
  • The biggest anime mod pack Skin screenshot
  • The biggest anime mod pack Skin screenshot
  • The biggest anime mod pack Skin screenshot
  • The biggest anime mod pack Skin screenshot
  • The biggest anime mod pack Skin screenshot

This pack was personal but, when i readed this comment:

"Oh, yeah. XenoAisam'a Model again. But what about the rest of the vocaloid models?  XenoAisam's Kagamine Rin & Megurine Luka model are sweet too"

I decided share with you, in this pack you can find:

-20 diferent girls

- 3 new voices types and the old versión

- Instrctions (.txt and a vídeo)

I recomend read the instrctions before install

Here is a vídeo:

<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="270" src="" width="480"></iframe>

If you like Hatsune Miku versión XenoAisam you can find here:

<a href="/skins/css/hostages/hatsune-miku-hostage.html"><img src=""/></a>

