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Bloody Havoc Deagle

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-19 04:28:09
70 просмотров
  • Bloody Havoc Deagle Skin screenshot
  • Bloody Havoc Deagle Skin screenshot
  • Bloody Havoc Deagle Skin screenshot
  • Bloody Havoc Deagle Skin screenshot

This is a Deagle with: Jennifer's Animations Hav0c's Model The_Tub's Base Chrome Skin My Edit of The_Tub's Skin

EDIT: I removed the phong on the deagle for a better blood effect, please dont refer to the screens... WOW! I didn't know what half of these description things meant when I uploaded this! Under the texure class it said new texture FIXED and under the model class, i put hacked custom model! FIXED
