Добавил: Tiratore 2015-07-03 18:40:49 120 просмотров
This is a paper aeroplane for a frag grenade. I hope you like it.
It contains the v model and 1 w model.
Infomaion for modelers: It has 4 groups and is divided into 4 withs, so I could edit the vertexes to make it triangular
At first I tried to cram the aeroplane into the players hand, after 6 attemps at re-scaling I gave up and looked for a alternate method. So the finished postion is resting ontop of the hand (like real paper aeroplanes) So he is pinching the end with his fingers and the rest rests on his hand. Also I have had to edit out the pull pin anims as it just looked like he was ripping at the top of the aeroplane.
Screenies by Sambo
Idea by ZOD
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