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Dysan's Gsg9 Redux

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-09-24 13:44:12
87 просмотров
  • Dysan's Gsg9 Redux Skin screenshot
  • Dysan's Gsg9 Redux Skin screenshot
  • Dysan's Gsg9 Redux Skin screenshot

Improvements (everyone's):

*General color of the entire skin is darker. *New body armor texture. *Added more detail to the groin protector. *Added "Polizei" tag on the front and back of the armor. *Lamenated the "Polizei" armband. *Added more detail to the helmet. *Added knee and elbow pads. *Added a German flag patch to the vest and arm. *Added hi-res GSG-9 patch. *New glove textures. *New eyes. *Added more detail to the face mask. *Added detail to the belts and straps. *Hi-res holster and ammo pouches. *New radio texture. *New shoes.

= Updated 5/20/06 = *Added new Normal Maps.
