Please note, whilst this is still Kamy’s compile (Yes, I have his permission), the skin itself was made from scratch from the original UV map.
Ok, the old HelShred knife sucked, didn’t work properly so-to-speak. However, I saw Darkstorn’s combat knife, and, using Kamy’s compile (thanks for letting me use btw) I made this bastard! The red bits glow in the dark too ^_^
This is for fans of Darkstorn’s knife who want something a little more “out-there”
And, once again, completely-and-utterly-pointless history!
The Blade on HelShred is centuries old, forged by a crazed Satanist Malek de’ Rellik out of a single piece of Barrenite in exchange for his wife’s heart, the blade always stays sharp and has permeant deadly toxin coated onto the demonic inscriptions.